血液制品废水特点及处理技术摘要: 血液制品主要为人血浆,由多人份血浆混合后,经过特定的分离纯化技术制得。
关键字:血液制品; 污水处理; 活性污泥; 工业废水Characteristics of blood production wastewater and its potential treatment technologiesAbstract: Blood products are mainly human plasma, which is mixed with more than one part of the plasma and made by specific separation and purification techniques. The waste water mainly comes from the blood separation and purification process, protein refining process, equipment cleaning process, alcohol recovery process and testing building, etc. The quality of wastewater, the quantity of water fluctuates greatly, the composition is complex, the suspended matter concentration is high, contains a lot of nitrogen, phosphorus and the difficult degradation organic pollutant. In theory, blood products can also spread some diseases transmitted by blood, and the waste water generated in the production process of blood products is industrial waste water, which needs to be specially treated, which conforms to the requirements of contemporary environmental protection, so it should be promoted and studied. At present, there are SBR process, AB process, CASS process and LINPOR process. This design aims to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment, reduce the cost of operation management and equipment investment, reduce the footprint of wastewater treatment plant and improve the process adaptability.Key words: blood products sewage treatment activated sludge industrial wastewater1引言血液制品污水中含有的大量有机物、氮、磷等污染物,随着企业产能的逐步增加,每日排放的污水量逐渐增多,已不能满足进入市政污水处理厂处理的要求,因此厂区内需新建一座污水处理站。