
 2022-07-11 10:35:40




Study on Modification of Sludge-based Activated Carbon and Its Removal Mechanism for Wastewater

Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering Yang Can 150605223

Abstract:Sludge, as a by-product of various water treatment processes, is liable to cause environmental pollution. Sludge-based activated carbon (SBAC) can make sludge recycled, and has low preparation cost and strong adsorption effect. However, activated carbon from activated carbon sludge prepared only from sludge has low specific surface area, low adsorption capacity and limited wastewater removal capacity. Surface modification can effectively change the surface chemical properties and texture structure of activated carbon, thereby improving the adsorption efficiency of pollutants. At present, the most common and effective method of surface modification is to add carburizing agent and modifier. In this paper, the existing additives at home and abroad were summarized and compared. Peanut shell, walnut shell and nano-titanium dioxide were used as additives to prepare activated carbon based on sludge in proportion to sludge.

Keywords: sludge-based activated carbon, peanut shell, walnut shell, nano-titanium dioxide

  1. 前言



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