
 2022-03-11 22:44:20


摘 要



Experimental analysis of laterally loaded nailed timber-to-concrete connections


This work intends to assess the accuracy of the methodology proposed in the Eurocode 5 for laterally loaded nailed timber-to-concrete connections. First, the adequacy of the methodology proposed by Eurocode 5 for the dowel-type fasteners is analyzed and discussed, using timber elements from Pinus pinaster Ait. Square and round smooth nails have been used, initially on push out tests of single and double shear dowel-type connections. Later, a similar investigation is carried out on timber–concrete connections, using the same kind of fasteners (nails), in single shear, wood species and experimental procedure. The use and the influence of permanent formwork are also investigated. As a result, comparisons between the values obtained for the load-carrying capacity and the slip modulus using the analysis provided by the Eurocode 5, when existing, and the experimental results are presented.

Keywords: Timber–concrete connections; Nails; Load-carrying; Slip modulus; Eurocode 5

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