Study on the narcissism levels and future self expectation of college students
摘要 自恋是西方心理学的一个重要范畴,而未来自我预期也是自我领域的最引人注目的焦点之一。本文首先介绍了自恋的普遍表现形式,然后介绍了自恋理论及其与心理适应、自尊、攻击和成就动机的关系的相关研究。接着,本文介绍了未来自我预期—可能自我的相关研究以及自我预期的相关研究。对于现有研究结果中存在的分歧,从现有研究方法存在的局限性和研究领域的深入性等方面进行了分析。
Abstract Narcissism is an important category of Western psychology,While future self expectation is also one of the most hot-debated topics in the field of self. This paper introduced the general manifestation of narcissism, then the research on narcissism theory and the relationship to psychological adaptation, self-esteem, attack and achievement motivation. Next, the article described the studies of expected future self – potential self and self expectations. For the inconsistency of the existing results, the present paper gave some explanations from the limitations of the research methods and the research depth of the field.
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