The Effects of Gloss Type on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition文献综述

 2021-10-22 21:44:41


1.Introduction1.1Research backgroundAccording to Lewis (1993) and other scholars, vocabulary acquisition is the central task of second language acquisition, and no language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating can be separated from vocabulary. Nagy, Heman vocabulary acquisition occurs incidentally when they are reading extensively. A large amount of vocabulary, grammar and cultural knowledge will accrue to language learners from reading. Therefore reading plays a significant role in the process of vocabulary acquisition.In fact, for the majority of Chinese EFL learners, English vocabulary is one of their most concerned problems in English learning. They have invested a great quantity of time and energy on vocabulary, but the result is far from satisfied. A large number of unknown words that make it difficult for students to get the main idea or specific details of a text. Over the past few decades, there have been extensive studies on the effect of vocabulary glosses on vocabulary acquisition. Researchers have investigated many aspects of glosses including the language, form, place of glosses and application of multimedia. However, researchers pay a little attention to the diversity of gloss forms. Few studies have focused on whether bilingual glossing has an effect on vocabulary acquisition. In addition, it is also questionable whether vocabulary glosses affect EFL learners' reading comprehension.Therefore, the present study makes an attempt to figure out how EFL learners process vocabulary information during reading with the aim of investigating the most effective form of glossing, helping Chinese learners learn English vocabulary more efficiently, in the meantime arousing the attention of textbook writers and teachers to the glossing of new words.1.3 Research purposesThe study aims to investigate the effects of 3 different types of glosses including L1 glosses (Chinese glosses), L2 glosses (English glosses) and Bilingual glosses (Chinese glosses plus English glosses) on EFL learners vocabulary learning and reading comprehension. The study aims to explore how EFL learners process vocabulary information during reading with the aim of putting forward some implications to English teaching and helping Chinese learners learn English vocabulary more effectively. 2.Literature reviewThere have been a number of studies on the effects of vocabulary glosses in English vocabulary acquisition. Researchers have investigated many aspects of glosses including the language, form, place of glosses and application of multimedia. Holly and King (1971) compared the different places where a gloss appeared, such as side of page, bottom of page, or on an attached sheet. An earlier study (Davis, 1989) found that students' understanding of the text attached to words glosses was significantly better than text without glosses. The comparison of the effect between non-gloss and native-gloss on recall of reading text (Jacobs, Dufon Hong 1994) revealed that the subjects with native-gloss had significantly better memory of the text content than the non-gloss group. Hulstijn, Hollander, and Greidanus (1996) investigated the effect of L1 marginal glosses and dictionaries on incidental vocabulary learning. The results showed that the L1 marginal glosses was more effective than the use of dictionary because readers accessed marginal glosses more frequently than dictionaries during reading. The study searched the effects of 3 difference types of glossing-L1 glosses plus L2 example sentences, L1 in-text glosses and L1 marginal glosses in comparison with a no-gloss condition (Cheng, 2009) indicated that L1 glossing was more effective for EFL Learners to learn and review new vocabulary. Bao and Li (2017) investigated the effect of L1 glosses, L2 glosses and bilingual glosses on vocabulary acquisition. Results indicated the effect of bilingual glosses was greater than L1 glosses and L2 glosses on EFL learners word learning. L1 glosses were better than L2 glosses only in receptive vocabulary knowledge.Many researchers were interested in whether multi-media do help to facilitate language learners vocabulary learning. Laufer and Hill (2000) and Yoshii (2006) put their study in a multi-media environment. Laufer and Hill (2000) were firstly interested in how multimedia affects word learning. Seventy-two university students from Israel and Hong Kong were participated in a reading comprehension test with computer-assisted dictionary which including four types of glosses. Researchers found that the effect of glosses were not the same for EFL learners in different regions (Israel and Hong Kong). All participants accomplished reading comprehension task after reading the text. The performances of students in Israel suggested that there was no significant difference among different types of glosses. However, the Hong Kong learners showed a significant difference between L1 glosses and other glosses. The effect of L1 glosses was significantly lower compared with other glosses. Some studies, however, have shown no significant effects with glossing. Bowles (2004) paid attention to the comparison of computerized and traditional paper-and-pen glosses on L2 vocabulary development. Subjects completed three tests- reading comprehension, immediate and delayed recall of targeted vocabulary and writing task. The results indicated that both computer-assisted and traditional glosses were beneficial for second language learners vocabulary learning, however there was no significant difference between computerized and paper-and pen glosses effects on vocabulary acquisition. Yoshii (2006) studied the effectiveness of L1 and L2 glosses with pictorial cues in a multimedia environment. The results showed that, there was no significant difference in L1 and L2 gloss between the immediate and delayed vocabulary tests. In addition, the comparison effect of three different types of glossing texts on L2 vocabulary learning was the focus of a study by Ko (2005). Ko (2005) asked 90 university students in Korea to complete a reading comprehension test. All participants were randomly divided into three different conditions: no gloss, L1 gloss, and L2 gloss. After reading, participants took an immediate multiple-choice (MC) vocabulary test. Results revealed that, there was a significant difference between no-gloss and glossed conditions on the immediate vocabulary test. However, there was no significant differences between texts with L1 glosses and L2 glosses. Subjects also did opinion questionnaires in order to search their reactions to the reading test. The questionnaire survey found that subjects preferred to L2 vocabulary glosses in reading comprehension.The effect of glossing is also related to L2 learners foreign language proficiency. L2 glosses are more effective than L1 glosses, especially for high-level EFL learners (Mivasako, 2002); Lu, Yao and Du (2005) confirmed that L1 glosses are superior to L2 glosses for intermediate and low-level L2 learners in vocabulary acquisition.However, with the increase of glossing types, the diversification of glosses form deserves attention. Whether bilingual glosses are contribute to L2 learners vocabulary acquisition? And how lexical glosses affect reading comprehension is still not fully understood.ReferencesAdepoju,A.A., Elliot, R.T. (1997). Comparison of different feedback procedures in second language vocabulary learning. Journal of behavioural education,7,477-498.Bowles, M. A. (2004). L2 glossing: To CALL or not to GALL. Hispania , 87 , 541-552.Cheng, Y. R. Good. (2009). 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