An Analysis of Buck’s Return in The Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Freud’s Psychoanalysis 用弗洛伊德精神分析法解读《野性的呼唤》中巴克的回归文献综述

 2021-10-23 21:42:42


1.Introduction1.1 Research backgroundJack London was a famous American writer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His works were not only very popular in the United States at that time, but also widely welcomed in Europe, especially in the former Soviet Union. Lenin spoke highly of his work. Jack London is also very popular in China. According to Labor, he remains American most widely translated, most widely read author. Jack London is an important western author, to be sure; but more than this, he is a great world author (1974:28).Londonwasapassionateadvocateofunionization,socialism,andtherightsof the workers. He had written severalpowerfulworks dealingwiththesetopicssuchashis dystopian novel. From his works, we can easily see that Jack London wrote books in a way of realism and naturalism. Professor Bert Bender calls Jack London a truly ecological thinker (2004:9). In addition, his reflection of naturalism is manifested in The call of the wild. The call of the wild is one of the first best-selling books of Jack London. Buck, a domesticated dog living at a ranch in the Santa Clara valley of California, is the novels central character. Unfortunately, he was stolen by the gardener and sold as an Alaskan sled dog. Hereverted toatavistic traits. Buck had to adjust to and survive cruel treatments and fought to dominate other dogs in a harsh climate. He shed the veneer of civilization, relying on primordial instincts and lessons he learned, to emerge as a leader in the wild at last. According to Watson, the novel was about society as well as about the wildness--or rather, it is about the conflict between the two (1969:22). It held special appeal for those who know and love nature and the wildness (Johnson, 2007:8). Wang (2000) once commented that this novel was by far the best piece of work, which has come from the pen of this gifted author. The novel is more than a simple allegory about society; it is a complex rendering of competing ideologies (Cheryll, Forsyth, Harold, 1996). Moreover, the shocking power contained in its epic language made it one of the most popular animal novels by readers, known as the most read American novel in the world. Hedrick (1982) viewed the novel as Londons attempt to deal with his past. Flink argued that the novel succeeds as a work of escapist literature that appealed to an allegory summons to over-civilized, confused American who wished to return to Bucks simple, vigorous, unrestrained life in the North(1978:12-19).1.2 Need for the StudyIn The call of the wild, the protagonist Buck transformed from a pet dog that originally lived in the upper society into a cruel lead wolf. For Buck, its not just a change of identity, but a change of nature. For the author, Bucks change also represents the authors real life trajectory. This article helps readers to understand the author and Bucks life in that era through the interpretation of the process of Bucks return to the wild.Scholars at home and abroad have conducted in-depth analysis and research on the works from different angles. This article will focus on using Freuds psychoanalysis to interpret the protagonist Bucks process of return, and take the personality characteristics of Buck at different stages as the key analysis objects. Through this analysis, readers will deeply feel the transformation of Buck and the efforts and sacrifices Buck made to return to the wild.Some scholars studied The call of the wild from the perspective of ecological criticism. Some studied Buck by Darwins theory of evolution. Some compared The call of the wild with Londons other works from the perspective of comparative literature. However, few scholars studied The call of the wild from the psychological perspective. In The call of the wild, the writer gives his thoughts to the protagonist Buck and expresses the theme of the novel. Through the description of the protagonist Bucks transformation process, returning to the wild, and finally being free, this article expresses the authors call for freedom and true self, and this call is more inclined to call for harmony and equality.2.Literature review2.1 Freuds Psychoanalysis Theory Freud was an Austrian neurologist who founded the discipline of psychoanalysis. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the mechanism of repression, and for creating the clinical method of psychoanalysis for investigating the mind and treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. One of his major theories is personality structure. Personality is characterized by a dynamic struggle between elements of the personality. Freud thinks that there are several psychic structures that make up the personality and different from one another. The three structures are id, ego and superego.The so-called id is the instinctual self, completely in the subconscious. The instinct is a mixed world. It accommodates very chaotic, unstable, instinctual suppressed desire, and hides various undeveloped instinctual impulses that are incompatible with the ethics and legal norms of modern human society. Id follows the happiness principle. It doesnt understand what is value, what is good and evil, and what is moral. It only knows that it pays everything to meet its needs. The ego is the self who faces the reality. It develops through the acquired learning and the contact with the environment. It is part of the structure of consciousness. The ego is the regulator of the id and the external environment. It adheres to the principle of reality and must satisfy the egos needs. It is necessary to stop behaviors that violate social norms, ethics and laws.The superego is a moralized self. It develops from the ego. It gradually forms from the influence of peoples identity in their childhood of parents moral behavior, the emulation of social models, and the acceptance of cultural traditions, values, and social ideals. It is composed of moral ideals and conscience. It is the judicial department of secondary school morality in the personality structure and is a representative of all moral restrictions and is the motive force of noble actions in human life. It follows the principles of ideals, determining the standard of ethical behavior and making people feel guilty by conscientiously punishing behaviors that violate ethical standards.2.2 Previous Researches on The call of the wildFor researchers, during the period 1997-1999, Jack Londons research was inheritable and summative. The research on The call of the wild was mostly recapitulative, social-historical critical, and summarized it with other works of Jack London. Zheng (1995) echoed predecessors viewpoints in History of foreign literature and said that The call of the wild and White teeth expressed the idea of the survival of the fittest through the description of animals. In the Editorial history of American literature, Chang (2008:18) believed that the evolutionary process of Bucks adaptation to the environment fully reflected the basic propositions of the Darwinian of Snipers society. At the same time, he analyzed the artistic effect in The call of the wild from the perspective of novel narrative which was the innovation of the cognitive perspective. Since 2000, researchers had tried to interpret the The call of the wild from different angles using various Western theories. Among them, there was the comparative literature perspective, such as The art of wolf and the philosophy of man: A comparative study of Jia Pingwa and Jack Londons Wolf novels in which Li(2005:15) said that Jack London reflected on human behavior from the perspective of wolf art, revealing a call for love and humanitarianism. And the artistic excavation of wolfness in human nature in Yearning for the wolf implied the writers anxiety about the current human dilemma and the nostalgia for the oriental harmony of man and nature. Some scholars explored from the perspective of psychoanalysis: such as Jungs collective unconscious theory and Jack Londons The call of the wild in which Taie(2000:68) used Jungs collective unconscious theory to attempt psychoanalysis of The call of the wild. Shang(2006) analyzed and excavated Londons ecological view in The call of the wild from the perspective of ecological criticism, that is, the criticism of civilization, the display of the value of nature, the thinking and exploration of human survival and the relationship between man and nature in The call of the wild: exploring the ecological theme of Jack London. There was the perspective of narratology like Analysis of the narrative perspective of Jack London in the call of the wild in which Zhao(2004) said that Jack London used a third-person omnipotent narrative perspective to tell the story, but the difference was that the story was sometimes told from the outside, and sometimes the world was seen through the eyes of Buck. There was a traditional image analysis: Wild heroes-praise of life-The call of the wild-Interpretation of Buck's image, in which Huang (2007) portrayed Buck as a magic dog with thinking, judgment and grateful heart, like a person full of emotions.To sum up, there are many angles of research on The call of the wild at home and abroad. Previous scholars analyzed Bucks character or the theme of The call of the wild and etc. from an angle of comparative literature, ecology, narratology, thematology, symbolism, naturalism. However, there are few studies focusing on the process of Bucks return to the wild, so this article will specifically study the process of Bucks return using Freuds psychoanalysis.2.ReferencesBender, B. (2004). Evolution and the sex problem: American narratives during the eclipse of Darwinism. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press.Cheryll, G., Forsyth, A., landmark in literary ecology. Athens: The University of Georgia Press. Flink, A. (1978). Call of the wildJack Londons catharsis, Jack London newsletter, 11:12-19.Hedrick, J. D. (1982). Solitary comrade: Jack London and his work. Chapel Hill: University of Carolina Press.Johnson, C. D. (2007). Understanding the call of the wild: A student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents. Beijing: China Renmin University.Labor, E. (1974). Jack London. Boston: Twayne Publishers.Nuernberg, S. M. (1995). The critical response to Jack London. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press.Watson, J. C. (1969). The novels of Jack London: A reappraisal. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press.阿德尔塔伊尔(2000),荣格的集体无意识学说与杰克伦敦的《野性的呼唤》,《河南师范大学学报》,2:68。










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