Strategies for C-E Consecutive Interpretation of Chinese Four-Character Phrases on Diplomatic Occasions 外交场合中四字格词语汉英交传策略分析文献综述

 2021-10-24 15:38:58


1.Introduction1.1 Research backgroundEach language articulates its own culture, which, generally speaking, is the totality of the beliefs and practices of a society (Nida, 2001). Deeply influenced by the theories of Ying and Yang and unity between man and nature, Chinese people have developed a holistic and dialectical thinking since ancient times. We are inclined to seek unity among oppositions and the same is true of the other way around, which is best captured by four-character phrases in the light of language. In the structural sense, four-character phrases are symmetrical and balanced, thus enjoying the beauty of harmony . Seen from phonetics, they invariably can be divided into two two-syllable phrases. More importantly, these phrases demonstrate our thinking model from the perspective of their meaning. For example, 手舞足蹈 and 眼高手低 are respectively consistent and antithetical in their formation (Huang, 2008). As China is increasingly closer to the centre of the global stage, it puts greater emphasis on its soft power, yearning to exhibit its rich and extraordinary culture and give its own voice. On many occasions, especially on diplomatic ones, speakers frequently make a quote from Chinese poems and four-character phrases. These phrases can convey meaning in a concise manner and manifest speakers eloquence. In a bid to enable audience of other countries to grasp their meaning, interpreters have a significant role to play. Interpreting, in the eyes of Pochhacker, is an ancient human practice which clearly predates the invention of writing and translation (2009). Moving beyond immediate oral translation, interpreting is more about communication, bridging the gap between two groups of people who intend to communicate with each other but are stopped from doing so due to cultural as well as linguistic barriers (Jones, 2008). In most cases, interpreting can be divided into consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting. The thesis focuses on the first category where the interpreter first listens to a speech of any length given by the speaker and then reconstitutes it in the target language with the help of notes and his or her short memory when the speaker takes a pause. Time is extremely invaluable in scenarios where consecutive interpreting is adopted, requiring the interpreter to give an accurate and concise delivery in the blink of an eye. The task is all the more challenging when some four-character phrases crop up in the speech. Thus, the paper aims to explore strategies conducive to interpreting these phrases based on the materials of Foreign Ministers annual press conference where the minister answers questions about Chinas policies and stance on many issues with plenty of four-character phrases used and where the interpreters on-the-spot delivery, in most cases, can provide enlightening insights.1.2 Need of the studyOn the international front, there are few studies on the interpreting of Chinese four-characters. Despite the fact that the topic is gaining traction in China, most studies on it are general at best with traditional methods for translation proposed. Plus, the existing studies tend to analyse four-character phrases without attaching importance to their distinctions. Recognizing such deficiencies, the paper intends to put forward interpreting strategies that suit each category of four-character phrases. As a result, budding interpreters can be better equipped to be up to the task. Besides, foreign audience can appreciate the rich and profound Chinese characters more.2.Literature review2.1 Chinese four-character phrases2.1.1 Development of Chinese four-character phrasesIn the Chinese language, four combined characters can form a unique and even independent expression. These expressions can serve as independent language units, thus, possessing a high level of independence in their usage (Feng, 1997). A look at the history of the Chinese language reveals the huge impact left by four-character phrases. Four syllables have always been preferred by Chinese (L, 1963). Furthermore, four-character phrases are abundant in meaning, giving impetus to the languages development. Whats more, most of them are explicit and elegant and are wildly favored on formal occasions (Wang, 2007). Being a peculiar language phenomenon, Chinese four-character phrases have experienced evolution and development. Chinese four-characters have their roots in The Book of Songs, which is composed by some 300 four syllable verses. Lu Zhiwei points out that the 474 four-character phrases in the book almost cover all categories of modern four-character phrases. Many of them are familiar to us and are still widely used at present, such as 窈窕淑女,逃之夭夭,如履薄冰and 战战兢兢 , among many others (1956). Forward to the two Han dynasties, especially to the Southern and Northern dynasties, pianwen or couplet prose characterizing four-character or six-character phrases was enjoying enormous popularity among scholars and intellectuals. A myriad of influential works back then left behind four-character phrases like 含英咀华 and 异曲同工, to name just a few. The Tang dynasty witnessed unprecedented cultural exchange and communication, facilitating the work of translating Buddhist scriptures. During the process, the status of four-character phrases in the Chinese language was cemented since a significant number of four-character phrases was brought to Chinese. Plus, the colloquial translated works exerted an indispensable impact on the emergence and eminence of light literature in the ensuing dynasties (Sun, 2005). Ming and Qing dynasties saw the genre of novel flourish. Those works are interspersed with four-character phrases. Take The Dream of the Red Chamber as an instance, four-character phrases are used frequently to flesh out characters, such as 守如处女,动若狡兔(Zhu, 2011). Thanks to their distinctive features, four-character phrases are still being created. The likes of 一带一路 and 朝九晚五 are much talked about.2.1.2 Categories of Chinese four-character phrasesAs mentioned above, Chinese four-character phrases are distinctive in several aspects. Accordingly, they can fall into varied camps based on different standards. Divided by syntax, those phrases can fall into alliance group represented by 良师益友, statement one exemplified by 机不可失 and modification-center camp like 峥嵘岁月. Seen from the perspective of phonetics, they can be classified based on their tone pattern, such as 平平仄仄, 仄仄平平 and 仄平仄仄 (Luo Zhao, 1995). In order to explore practical strategies, the thesis adopts the method proposed by Ma Guofan and divide four-character phrases into condensed phrases, loose phrases, widely-used terms in industries and Chinese idioms (1987). Condensed phases are formed by cutting long proper nouns or idioms into four-characters. Examples include 全国人大(condensed from 全国人民代表大会) and 见仁见智(from 仁智见仁,智者见智). Loose phrases mean that two two-syllable phrases are often used together yet they do not lose their original meaning in the form of combination. 文化教育 and 开发经济 are some instances. Widely-used terms in all walks of life include phrases like 拳头产品 and 图文并茂. The last category, also the most widely used on diplomatic occasions, include phrases with a long cultural history.2.2 Consecutive interpreting on diplomatic occasions2.2.1 Features of diplomatic language Diplomatic language is a window to show a countrys national policies and major concerns and a powerful weapon to safeguard its core interests. No talk of any type of language would be complete without referring to its register. Halliday interprets register as the linguistic features which are typically associated with a configuration of situational features with particular values of the field, mode and tenor (1978). In the light of field or the total event, diplomacy touches upon national security and issues of great significance. Tenor means the type of role interaction or in other words, the set of social relations among participants involved. On diplomatic occasions, diplomats representing respective countries enjoy not so close social relations. As for mode, the function of the text in the event, diplomatic language can be either written or spoken and even the spoken language is highly formal for it conveys national attitudes and stance.Diplomatic language demands high level of accuracy and clarity, but on the other hand, it can be vague. This first feature is not hard to understand in that diplomats are the national image and speak to a countrys policies and strategies. Thus, diplomatic rhetoric must ensure clarity with a words denotative and connotative meanings taken into account. For example, ambassadors and foreign ministers are called 阁下(excellency) while Charged Affaires 先生(Mr.) (Guo Wang, 2002). In the meanwhile, in dealing with issues of great sensitivity or severity, diplomatic language needs to be implicit and vague, leaving a little leeway. Specifically speaking, vagueness is preferred for the following three purposes. To begin with, some countries many gloss over or downplay their wrongdoings, if not crimes, by resorting to gilded phrases. For instance, a nation may play down civilian casualties as collateral damage. Moreover, on many international conferences, diplomats have to show attitudes toward a consequential issue. Under such circumstances, they may choose mild rhetoric to show stance without leaving no room for maneuver. Vague language may also be adopted to break a stalemate or to ease tension.Compared with translation, interpretation does enjoy a higher level of flexibility given its requirements for quick response, concise re-expression. The flexibility of interpreting, however, varies by type (Ren, 2000). Diplomatic interpretation has a relatively low level of flexibility thanks to the above-mentioned characteristics of diplomatic language.2.2.2 Requirements of interpreting on diplomatic occasions Being politically conscious. Interpreters must keep firm in mind a countrys core interests and stance on certain issues. Take 台湾 and 中国大陆 as an example, the correct ones are Chinese Taiwan or Chinese Taipei and Chinas mainland , Chinese mainland or the mainland of China rather than Taiwanese China and the mainland China (Shi, 2007). Interpreters cannot be too careful on issues of territorial controversy. A great deal of deliberation of choice of words must be given. Inappropriate words may trigger diplomatic disputes and even adversely affect bilateral relations. A word or phrase in Chinese may contain several layers of meaning, its of paramount importance to uncover and unveil its real message. On diplomatic occasions, 关心 and 关注 are frequently used. Their English equivalents are be concerned about , take an interest in , pay attention toor care about . Since there are several options, figuring out their distinctions and choosing one that best conveys the message hold the key. Being concerned about something means being troubled with feelings of anxiety. To take an interest in something means that you want to give your attention to something and to discover more about something while paying attention to something indicates you watch, listen to or think about something carefully. Caring about something suggests that you think that something is important and feel interested in it or upset about it. For example, on a regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the spokesman said that 当前中东地区形式复杂敏感,中方一直高度关注相关失态的发展。

The interpreter delivered as situation in the Middle East is complex and sensitive at the moment. China has been closely following the latest developments. The choice of words is proper and prudent given that China has always advocated non-interference in other countries internal affairs. If be concerned aboutis chosen, the emotion of anxiety is conveyed, thus leading up to misunderstandings. To sum up , the political meaning of every word and phrase must be given much thought to.It helps when interpreters know about the background knowledge of most diplomatic issues, if not all. When equipped with the background knowledge, the interpreter will be aware of every countrys position and stance and see through the mist of vague rhetoric and grasp the essence. Equally crucial is that interpreters have a basic sketch of most nations geographical location, natural resources and economic development, among others, in mind. Most of all, interpreters shoulder the responsibility of showcasing his or her own countrys positive and fresh image. This means that they need to know about the nations realities and distinctive culture. Recent years have seen a series of new and innovative policies and moves, interpreters must keep track on their developments and progress and figure out how to describe these new things to the rest of the world (Xu, 2016). In a nutshell, interpreters, especially those working on diplomatic occasions, have to know more than something about everything.It is of great significance to equip interpreters with cross-culture communication skills or in Katans words, they need to be bi-cultural with a high level of cultural sensitivity (1999). Culture here refers to a shared mental model or map of the world. The model is a system of congruent and interrelated beliefs, values, strategies and cognitive environments. To begin with, cultures of other countries must be respected. For example, in the western world materialism means the pursuit of money or properties, but in China, we used to equate it with 唯物主义. Hence, a better choice for 唯物主义 would be realism. Likewise, pragmatism refers to cope with things in a practical way, but its Chinese equation 实用主义 has a negative connotation. Moreover, cultural taboos must be left untouched. In Chinese, we often say 血 and 肉 to indicate close bonds and relationship, but if we interpret those words literally, foreign audience may feel ill at ease. Besides, language also develops with the times, which must be paid close attention to. For instance, 生存权 was translated as the right tolife, but with movements of anti-abortion raging in western countries, the right to survival is definitely a more appropriate choice.ReferencesHalliday, M. A. K. (1978). Language as social semiotic. London: Edward Arnold.Jones, R. (2008). Conference interpreting explained. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Katan, D. (1999). Translating cultures: An introduction for translators, interpreters and mediators. Manchester: St. Jerome.Nida, Y. H. (2001). Contexts in translating. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.Pochhacker, F. (2009). Introducing interpreting studies. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.冯胜利(1997),《汉语的韵律、词法与句法》。









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