An Analysis of the Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde: the Contradiction Between Beauty and Ugliness浅析《奥斯卡·王尔德童话集》:“美”与“丑”的矛盾创作观文献综述

 2021-10-26 22:33:50


Research PurposeOscar Wilde, as an Irish poet, writer and dramatist during the 19th century, has always been a target of criticism. Numerous critics have devoted themselves to this controversial man. As Ian Small says in Oscar Wilde Revalued, Since 1900,Oscar Wilde has been the subject of some 13,000 articles on books of one kind or another, or at least so. As the main representative of Aestheticism and Decadent Movement, Wilde's literary works are full of aesthetic thoughts of art for art. At the same time, in the context of Victorian Era, his writing themes are death, ugliness and reality. This paper aims to point out that Wilde's fairy tales are full of aesthetic thoughts, and explore Wildes inner world from the perspective of the contradiction between beauty and ugliness.Wilde has only written 9 fairy tales during his whole life, which is consisted of two collections. In 1888, Wilde wrote his first collection of fairy tales, The Happy Prince and Other Tales. Another collection of fairy tales A House of Pomegranates was published at the end of 1891. The first collection of fairy tales includes The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend and The Remarkable Rocket, and the second collection consists of The Young King, The Birthday of the Infanta, The Fisherman and His Soul and The Star Child. Wilde, who is known only as the notorious figurehead of aestheticism and the author of epigonic poems, really surprises the readers with such an ideal work of sympathy, beauty, and love.Compared with other works of Oscar Wilde, his two collections of fairy tales still havent received equivalent attention in academic article. Most critical articles just draw one or two articles of the fairy tales to make an analysis and most frequently, critics tend to find evidences ofWildes pursuit of beauty. But there are much more in these fairy tales.In these fairy tales, evidences of every aspect of Wilde's aesthetic ideas about what an artistic life is can be found. There is the young king's obsession with beautiful and exquisite things; there is the fisher man's and the nightingale's mad pursuit of love; there is the happy prince's lumbersome sympathy for the city people; and there is the selfish giants stopping being selfish. Oscar Wilde tells with a sincere heart and beautiful language in his fairy tales as to how to lead an artistic life.Literature Review1.1 His LifeOscar Wilde is an Irish dramatist, poet and a short story writer. Known for his sharp language, as a dramatist he has become famous in the late Victorian age in England, and owned the greatest compliment of his day. Wilde attracts a whole world's attention in the field of literature criticism. In fact, Oscar Wilde did a lot to theArt for Art's Sake" Movement. He can be to some degree a forerunner and spokesman. Being a disciple of Pater, Wilde devotes himself to Aestheticism, and is in some people's eyes, more famous than Pater. To Wilde, Aestheticism was his philosophy as well as his practice. Wilde thought that the only thing that the art expresses is its own beauty. As an aesthete, Oscar Wilde brought to us a lot of amazing artistic works and theories. To most people, the life of Oscar Wilde seems like a legend in itself. The duality of Wilde in all aspects fascinates, confuses: the Anglo-Irishman with Nationalists sympathies; the Protestant with life-long Catholic leanings; the married homosexual; the musician of words and painter of language who confused to Andre Gide that writing bored him; the artist not two but three cultures, an Anglo-Francophile and a Celt at heart.(Peter 3) In 1946, Hesketh Pearson published Oscar Wilde: His Life and Wit, in which he offers many stories and anecdotes. Bernard Shaw advises Pearson not to write the biography by saying Sherard has done the hero worshiping, Ransome the respectable and Harris the vivid portrait.(Knox) However, Pearsons work does make some breakthrough. It is among the earliest biographies to highlight Wildes literary and intellectual originality. (Wu, 2009)1.2 His worksThe contradictions do break the peace and sometimes the harmony of the literary works, but they also bring forth more vividness and tension to the works, thus giving the works a longer life in the history of literature.Known to be a typical figure in the aesthetic movement during the Victorian era, Wilde has always been one of those who draw great critical attention over the last ten years. On the basis of these critical works and articles, the research work in foreign literary circles on Wilde can be classified into three stages.The first stage is before the 1960s. The early studies on Wilde are mainly focus on the form of biography; most researches are concentrated on Wilde's private life, his sexual orientation, and the subsequent trials which put him into prison and died at an early age. Lots of biographies were written by those people who were familiar with Wilde and had a close affinity with him, such as Robert Ross. Robert had met Wilde for the first time in 1886 at Oxford University and later played an important role in Wilde's rest life. As Wilde's literary executor, Robert firmly supported him through Wilde's trials and his two nightmarish years in prison.The second stage is stretched from the 1960's to the 1980's. Affected by New Criticism, the time with text-oriented researches is coming. The study of Wilde began to relate to the textual analysis. To a great extent, the critics began to put Wilde' s aesthetic theory and his specific times and contemporary literary works together. By focusing on the texts, it means to have an objective judgment on both Wilde' 's literary works and his social standin. In 1967, Epifanio San Juan published The Art of the Wilde, indicating that the study of Wilde had turned to text research.In China, the research progress of Wilde is slightly different from that of the West. The first step was to translate Wildes fairy tales, and then the drama, novel and his poetry art, prose and essays, and finally the academic surges to do the research into Oscar Wilde. In 1920s, Oscar Wildes works appeared in China. He himself and his works received a lot of attention, and many researchers started to analyze and study his works.After 1980s, the significance of Wilde's literary achievements and his position in the history of art have been established. Critical works published by many critics marking the flourishing period of the studies of Oscar wilde and the literary world have started to understand Wilde in some new and different perspectives. It's different from the raditional criticism and comments, some researchers try to find the connection between Wildes aestheticism and the social and historical environment at the peculiar age. For example, Michael Foldy's work, The Trials of Oscar Wilde: Deviance, Morality, and Late victorian Society published in 1997, and Lawrence Dansons Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves came off the press in 1994. Since homosexuals are beginning to be accepted by the public, Wildes homosexual orientation has been gradually accepted by the world. Many of research works of Wilde are emerging from the perspective of homosexual subculture or gender, and he has been identified as a key person in homosexual academic Regenia Aagnier's Critical Essays on Oscar Wilde(1991) and Alan Sinfield's The Wilde Century (1994). What should be emphasized is that the scholarly study of Wilde's fairy tales is a fairly recent phenomenon. Compared with his other works, Wilde's fairy tales are excluded from nearly all recent significant works and collections concerning Wilde. Critical essays on Oscar Wilde edited by Regenia Gagnier collected 16 reprinted and original classic essays on Wilde's works, not one of which discussed the fairy tales. Rediscovering Oscar Wilde 4 collected 37 conference papers about Wilde, without a single essay concerning the fairy tales. The Cambridge Companion to Oscar Wilde was edited by Peter Raby without any mention of the fairy tales. Regenia Gagnier dispatched the two volumes of fairy tales in just a few pages in Idylls of the Marketplace.In summary, the research works on Wildes fairy tales are very limited and quite unsystematic. Thus, this thesis combines Wildes aesthetic theories and his fairy tales genre for an in-depth study, which turns out that Wildes fairy tales are far from being insignificant short fictions intended for a limited audience but a key expression of his aesthetic theories. Once examined in close detail, these fairy tales will greatly enhance our understanding of Wildes aestheticism and his literary achievement.ReferencesChen Zijing, An analysis of the Translations of The Happy Prince And Other Tales from the perspective of Lefeveres rewriting theory,Overseas English,138-140.Liang Y. Y. Zheng F.(2018), Music of Love, Beauty and the Good: A PlatonicReading of Oscar Wildes Fairy Tales.Jane Yeang Chui Wong (2015), Oscar Wilde in Singapore: Ambivalence, Enforcement, and the Criminalization of Homosexuality.Jarlath Killeen (2017), The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde. NY.Haas, G. J. F. de (2013), Synchronicity in the performing arts: Oscar Wildes nightmare?Tao yang, Comparison on friendship in The Happy Prince and The little Prince,Overseas English,161-162.Stiny, G.(2015), The Critic as Artist: Oscar Wildes Prolegomena to Shape Grammars.Zhang Yuanyuan (2018), Oscar Wildes Triple Personalities in The Picture ofDorian Gray.陈(2019),论王尔德的唯美主义乌托邦思想,《宁夏学学报(社会科学版)》,41(4):70-77。






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