A Comparison Between the Youth Culture in Tales of the Jazz Age and the Contemporary Youth Culture in China《爵士乐时代的故事》中的青年文化与中国当代青年文化的比较文献综述

 2021-11-04 20:59:24


1. Introduction1.1Research backgroundThe twentieth century is the golden age of American novels, and it also witnesses a special historical period in American history. At that time, the World War I was over, and history began to take a turn. Due to the relatively stable society, the economy has experienced unprecedented development. It is also in such a phenomenal environment that the "Jazz Age" emerged at the historic moment. History regards the decade ---- from easing the workers riots on May 1, 1919 to the stock market crash in October 1929 as the Jazz Age(Farrell, 2017).The Jazz Age is the first decade that America stepped into the Modern Society, as well as an era belonging to the youth. During that decade, with the accumulation of wealth and income, more and more Americas hunted for material enjoyment(刘琳静, 2006). However the sign of the transition is not only reflected in the material level, but more importantly, the young generations substantial changes in ideas, attitudes and beliefs. In the age of twentieth century, the war was over, and the original ideas of American youths were shaken. Growing in such cultural background, they manifest the conflicts and contradictions of American center and periphery and past and modern times(马磊, 2018). On the one hand, they were taking the huge mental conflicts from the World War I; on the other hand, they were stimulated by Modern Idea in the novel era. They were confused by the excitement consulted from historical confusion and economic prosperity. At that time, the traditional principle of Puritan has begun to break up, on the contrary, Hedonism begins to flourish. Facing such phenomenal social reform, the young generation has to concur an old question, namely the question of inquiring self-identification ---- Who are we?, Where are we from?, and Where we are going?, while they were chasing love, wealth and career.Literature has distinct era features under such special background. From objective regulation, when social economy is under the situation of rapid development, the relative literature creation in the superstructure is also blooming. With the translation to modernization of American economy, literature style is also transfer from tradition to modern. Following Faulkner and Hemingway, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald ---- the third phenomenon in the history of American literature, creates brilliant woks with his own experiences. His masterpieces ---- This Side of Paradise, Tender Is Night and The Great Gatsby, illuminate the distinct features in that period. The inspiration of Fitzgeralds works is from his daily life. At the same time, his works affect youths surrounding. To some extent, America describes Fitzgerald as feature reflection in 1920s, in other words, Fitzgerald Phenomenon.Under such circumstance, these works, actually, reveal features of American youth culture in 1920s, from the view of history and society. Therefore, this essay will further analyze the features of youth culture in Tales of the Jazz Age via studying literature expression, especially, Self-identification, the core feature of youth culture.At present, the over-consumption behavior of the younger generation is becoming more and more obvious, manifested as a serious mismatch between the level of consumption and the level of income, and the content of consumption is far from actual needs. The reasons are multifaceted. It is mainly due to the upgrading of consumer demand brought about by economic development and the impact of consumerism(李志鹏, 刘白明, 王桃珍, 2019). History is always similar. Perhaps Chinese youth are repeating the same mistakes of the Lost Generation of American youth.1.2 Need of the studyThe significance of this study mainly is concentrated in theory. The study of Tales of the Jazz Age will be deepened and concluded from a theoretical level, including three aspects as follow:Firstly, deepen the existing research, and systematically summarize the features of Jazz Age. Analyze the concrete manifestation of youth culture in the Jazz Age. Summarize the features of youth culture in this period and form the theoretical results of this research.Secondly, analyze the indelible impact of consumerism in the Jazz Age on the public and society, and gain a comprehensive understanding of American society and culture in the 1920s.Thirdly, through researching Tales of the Jazz Age, this paper applies the theory of youth culture to study Chinese modern youth culture, which improves its practical significance. 1.3 Research purposesThe present study aims to dig into Fitzgeralds work, Tales of the Jazz Age, and summarize some main characteristics of American youth culture in 1920s. That is to say, to find out the characters in Tales of the Jazz Age and the changes in American society in the age, such as clothing characters, daily entertainment, world outlook, value, hedonism, consumerism, idealism, etc. At the same time, the study analyzes domestic youth culture, and makes a comparison between American and Chinese. The study tries to find out the similarities and differences between them. In other words, young people in China can learn from American youths mistakes. 2.Literature review2.1 Review of foreign studiesIn the history of American literature, the "lost generation" formed a group of related novelists. Their works focused on the trauma of the spiritual and physical trauma of the young American generation in World War I, and showed that American young people both feared and disliked the war after the war. But it was impossible to find a way out of the confusion and distress, which had a profound impact on American and even world literature at that time.(郭靓, 2014)The Jazz Age is a special period for American literature in 1920s, which is worth researching and demonstrating. Generally speaking, it is regarded as one of prominent components. Considering American society and culture ideological trend, 1920s is an important transition, as well as a period that American literature conducts boldly exploration and development, which lays a foundation for American modern literature(Jiang, 2019). Young people in this period are representatives and show their attitude for life and culture. Therefore, studies in terms of American literature and culture in this time are countless. Fitzgerald, as Laurel Poet and Chronicler in the Jazz Age, receives numerous attentions from literature fields domestic and oversea. People enthrone and research his works. Heretofore, his works have been interpreted into many languages, including Chinese. However, critics give various views on his works. Even in China, his works has gone through a process of evolution, from the beginning obscurity to the later revival. In other words, with the development of history, it is an indisputable fact that more and more people pay attention to Fitzgerald and his works. In the course of American literature development, this period of history forms a special phenomenon, Fitzgerald Phenomenon. Especially in 1940s and 1950s, Fitzgerald Revival ushers his literature fame into a peak(Chang Li, 2018).2.2 Review of domestic studiesIn recent years, researches on foreign literature history, literature critic and literature theory are rapidly developed. When it comes to Fitzgerald and his works, critical articles about his creative thinking, art style and work analysis are constantly springing, and even show up in some historical classics and academic books. In the long course of history, it is not hard to find that Fitzgerald went through a long and difficult progress, from total denial, to acceptance, to affirmation. Due to the limitation of political climate and historical condition, after the Culture Revolution, he was still regarded as the representative who beautifies sinful actions of capitalists during American economic boom. It isnt changed until the end of 1980s that studies on Fitzgerald and his works stepped into a totally new stage.(李红燕, 2017)The reason why classics are classics is because the writer has a true record of his unique artistic expressions, which faithfully reflects many typical characteristics of a particular historical period. Taking The Curious Case of Benjamin as an example, Button Benjamin's reversing life course is different from the end of ordinary people's life, and finally made everyone aware of an indisputable fact: no matter the life process, the end is unavoidable! We can only choose two: or wonderfully Spend a lifetime, either sinking you in a whirlpool of complaints and bitterness. (闵洁 李宏毅, 2013)Entirely speaking, there is a big room for Chinese literati to research Fitzgerald and his works comprehensively and systematically. Up till now, the focus of research is still on literature critic, such as creative methods, narrative skills, symbolism and so on. Fortunately, some researchers gradually start to analyze his works from the points of consumerism and feminism.Fitzgeralds works faithfully reflect many typical characteristics of a particular historical period. At present, domestic research on his works needs to be expanded. Taking Fitzgerald and his works as an example, this article tends to explore the problem of youth self-identification in the Jazz Age and to contribute to the research of youth construction in modern society in China through the analysis of youth culture theory.ReferencesFarrell, M. (2017). The Jazz Age: American Style in the 1920s. Library Journal, 142(13), 89-89. Chang, Q., Li, S. (2018). 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