
 2021-11-04 20:59:30


1.Introduction1.1 Research backgroundHumor is not only a special communication activity, but also an infectious and charming language art, so it appears frequently in literature, film and television and daily communication. In the process of speech conversation, the speaker promotes the generation of humor by means of pun, suspense, satire and so on, and brings joy to both sides of the conversation, so it plays a special role in interpersonal communication. For a long time, the study of humor has involved many fields such as philosophy, aesthetics, sociology, psychology and so on. In recent years, with the continuous development of linguistics, language as the carrier of humor has become the focus of humor research. How does humor come about, and how is it understood by the hearer? Throughout previous studies, the analysis of language itself cannot give a satisfactory answer,Humor is not only a form of language expression, it is related to psychology, sociology and many other disciplines, and because of the release of humor, the role of education, creativity and goodwill,We believe that analyzing verbal humor from a pragmatic perspective can better explain the cognitive process of verbal humor. Therefore, a large number of researchers have expounded the pragmatic reasoning of humor, and the pragmatic analysis of humorous language is mainly summarized as the analysis in context, including indicative language ambiguity, following and violating the principle of cooperation, premise misunderstanding, speech act misunderstanding and discourse lack of relevance.In view of the complexity and diversity of previous studies, this paper is aimed to study the understanding and production of verbal humor from the perspective of relevance theory, thus helping us to better understand and appreciate verbal humor. 1.2 Need of the studySitcom is a unique art of language. Firstly, it originated in the United States, after its witty humorous speech and the comic effect, it successfully hit the television screen, and won the public's strong welcome and enthusiastic pursuit. In the field of linguistics, the pragmatic study of verbal humor in sitcoms has been rare in recent years. As the representative of the new generation sitcom, the speech humor in the play keeps up with the development of the times, reflects the characteristics of the times, and well represents the development direction of speech humor in the contemporary and even future sitcoms. 1.3 Research purposesIn my paper, I will take the relevance theory in pragmatic theory as the framework to explore the varbal humor. According to previous studies, I conclude that although relevance theory is not produced for the purpose of analyzing humor, its theoretical hypothesis is reasonably applied to explain verbal humor, so my paper explores relevance theory how torealize verbal humor.2.Literature review2.1Definitions of Relevance TheoryRelevance theory is a cognitive pragmatic theory. Relevance theory is a cognitive pragmatic theory. Sperber and wilson proposed in relevance: communication and cognition. On the basis of relevance concept and relevance principle, the discourse theory in verbal communication is analyzed. Association principles include: cognitive principles, that is, human cognition tends to coincide with the greatest degree of relevance; communicative principles, that is, each discourse (or other behavior of reasoning communication) should be conceived as having the best relevance for the discourse or behavior itself. In association theory, relevance is seen as a characteristic of discourse, thought, behavior, situation, etc., which are input into the cognitive process. When input content is worth processing, it has relevance. Whether it is worth processing depends on the cognitive effect and the effort made in processing. Relevance theory holds that people deal with new information on the basis of changing context when receiving and understanding discourse. New information can add or strengthen the original hypothesis, but also can negate the original hypothesis. The increase, enhancement, and negation of hypotheses are contextual effects or cognitive effects When other conditions are the same, the greater the cognitive effect of processing an input, the stronger the correlation, the weaker the vice versa, and the less effort to process, the stronger the correlation, the weaker the vice versa. According to relevance theory, the context needed to understand discourse is no longer regarded as a predefined derivation premise, that is, it is not to determine the context first, then to determine the degree of relevance, but to first set the new information to be processed as relevance, and then to choose the appropriate context to confirm this hypothesis. In relevance theory, context hypothesis is cognitive hypothesis. The hearer relies on logical information, encyclopedic information and word information in the cognitive context to make contextual assumptions. Find the best relation between the other discourse and the context hypothesis, infer the context implication through reasoning, and finally achieve the contextual effect and achieve the communicative success. Relevance theory challenges Grice's conversational theory. Relevance theory holds that communication is not based on the criterion of cooperation. In order to make communication successful, the only common goal of the speaker and the hearer is to understand the other party and be understood by the other party. 2.2Definitions of Verbal HumorSo far there is no definition of humor that can be accepted by all disciplines. The definition of humor is:" humor is funny or funny and meaningful." "Humour refers to the kind of pleasure that comes from strange, funny or interesting movements, words, words, or expressions."" Humour is a kind of material that makes people laugh, stimulates pleasure, or the ability to recognize, interpret, or express activities that make people laugh. From the above definitions, it can be seen that although there is no uniform definition of humor, overall humor is a "funny, interesting behavior or statement, anything that makes people feel funny and can attract laughter. Humor is a kind of speech art, on the one hand, it cannot be separated from the inherent law of language itself, on the other hand, it depends on the use of language in context to a great extent. The task of pragmatics is to study the communicative function of using a particular discourse in a particular context. From the perspective of pragmatics, the emergence of humor has its own laws, pragmatic principles and the emergence of English humor has an inherent relationship, some understanding of this is helpful to understand the language phenomenon of English humor, so as to improve the language communicative competence at a higher level. References蒋澄生,廖定中(2009),试析幽默的语用理据,《外语教学》。



王晓军,林帅(2011),国内语言幽默研究十年回顾与思考: 2001~2010 ,《外语研究》。







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