
 2021-11-04 20:59:30


Literature review:1. Research backgroundPresupposition, also called premise, which is a philosophical concept first appeared in sense and reference (which was wrote by the German philosopher G. Frege). Presupposition was once regarded as an "elusive concept" and it was famous for difficult to define (Shi Anshi, 1990:180). Since the 1960s and 1970s, with the development of semantics and pragmatics, presupposition has become the focus of linguists. Philosophers, semanticists and pragmatics have argued fiercely about the nature and characteristics of presupposition from different aspects. For the two different aspects of presupposition: pragmatic presupposition and semantic presupposition, Frege, Stroudson and other scholars have thoroughly analyzed the difference between the two. The conclusion is as follows: semantic presupposition is an anaphora that must be satisfied by the assertion made by sentence. But pragmatic presupposition is more closely related to context. In other words, from the perspective of pragmatics, presupposition is from the aspect of the speaker, but from the perspective of semantics, presupposition is a meaning of sentence itself. Pragmatic presupposition is very sensitive to context and has strong contextual dependence. In essence, pragmatic presupposition is a dynamic interactive process. The information is the starting point of the information structure, which conveys the assumption of the co-knowledge information or the information accepted by both parties. Due to the fact that my thesis is based on the sketch, the sketch pays great attention to the situation and the context, therefore this thesis mainly discusses the pragmatic instead of the semantic presupposition. Stalnaker put forward the concept of pragmatic presupposition in 1974. Pragmatic presupposition, according to Stalnaker, is a propositional attitude of the speaker, which is a proposition that the speaker assumes or considers to be a fact, and the hearer will assume the same. Therefore, presupposition is a kind of assumption or judgment that the speaker is right (Deng Lin, 2012). Since the 1970s, scholars began to study presupposition from a pragmatic perspective, and gradually formed a variety of definitions of presupposition. In general, there are three kinds: the first is to interpret pragmatic presupposition as the speaker's conception of the context of speech. The second is to regard pragmatic presupposition as the proper condition to be satisfied for the successful implementation of a speech act or the condition to be satisfied for a sentence to have the necessary social suitability. The third view is to regard pragmatic presupposition as common knowledge or background knowledge (Zhang Xinxin, 2010).Presupposition, as an important theory in pragmatics, has long been applied to the study of various kinds of linguistic phenomena. For example: Chen Xinren (1998) analyzed the function of presupposition in advertising language from the aspects of the consumers' minds; Deng Lin(2012) analyzed language in English from the perspective of pragmatic presupposition ( 2012); Zhang Xinxin (2010) studied the application of presupposition in comedy; Du Yihui(2010)utilized pragmatic presupposition to analyze the humorous elements in the film. They all believed that pragmatic presupposition plays an important role in the mechanism of verbal humor. However, the previous research on presupposition and humor is often limited at the scope of a certain work when discussing the mechanism of humor, which briefly discusses a certain aspect of pragmatic presupposition, taking presupposition theory as a supplementary part. These claims are not comprehensive and detailed, so I will discuss the type, nature and use of presupposition in detail in the speech humor on the basis of the broad range of sketch. Besides, I will make full use of the corpus in the sketch to prove the presupposition theory is a necessity to speech humor, making up for the weaknesses of presupposition analysis in previous studies.2. Need of the studyThe thesis has both practical and academic meanings. On the one hand, The previous understanding and analysis of pragmatic presupposition is unilateral and monotonous, not systematic and comprehensive. Pragmatic presupposition has many functions in discourse, which reflects the pragmatic strategies and communicative intentions of the speaker. Lots of sketches are to deliberately set the presupposition, so that the presupposition becomes excessive, thus producing strong contrast, giving the audience a sense of disharmony, and then forming humor (He Ziran, 1997:68). This thesis is based on the understanding of other studies on pragmatic presupposition, combined with my own understanding and summary, then giving a more systematic and comprehensive analysis of pragmatic presupposition. On the other hand, by discussing the pragmatic presupposition in the sketch, we can have a better understanding of the kinds of pragmatic presupposition and its nature and function. Then we can apply the pragmatic presupposition into various fields, such as advertising or literature and so on. The reason why the comedy sketch is loved by the most audiences is that its language is easy and pleasant. There is no doubt that the pragmatic presupposition is the important means to construct the humorous effect of the comedy sketch. Last but not least, using presupposition to study the verbal humor can also broaden the theoretical category of the study of verbal humor. 3. Research purposesIn my paper, I would discuss the relevant issues more systematically. Our country's famous master of language and art, Lao She, once said:" No matter how the plot of comedy is beautiful, the effect of comedy will be lost if not always equipped with sharp, vivid words." So on the basis of combining the research results of others, I propose to divide the presuppositions into: factual presupposition, false presupposition, existence presupposition and so on. Then, the most important, after the full understanding of the important role of pragmatic presupposition in verbal humor, we should discuss how to apply these features and functions of pragmatic presupposition into sketch, advertisement, literature and so on. 4. SummaryThis literature review is divided into three parts: research background, need of study and research purposes. In this part, I will make a summary of this literature review. First of all, the predecessors have studied the pragmatic presupposition from numerous aspects and affirmed that pragmatic presupposition plays an important role in sketch, literary works, advertising and so on.Secondly, the previous studies have more or less discussed the characteristics, nature, types and other aspects of pragmatic presupposition. But because of the limits of the scope of research, their theories are not very systematic and comprehensive. Presupposition theory is an important linguistic theory, which is widely used in speech communication, and verbal humor is a refined and special form of speech communication, in which there are many presupposition phenomena. So humorous speech effect is often the direct result of presupposition. Therefore, in my thesis, based on the wide scope of sketch, I will look for enough sketch corpus to analyze the nature of pragmatic presupposition, types, characteristics and use of speech humor in analytical sketch more comprehensively. ReferencesDolitsky, M. (1992). Aspects of the unsaid in humor. Humor: international journal of humor research, 5, 33-43.Sperber, & Wilson.(2011). Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.Stalnaker, R. C. (1974) .Pragmatic Presuppositions ,In David,s. ed Pragmatics: A Reader. OUP.陈新仁(1998),论广告用语中的语用预设,《上海外国语大学学报》,68: 54-57。


杜以慧(2011),电影《让子弹飞》幽默元素解析,《电影文学》,11: 69-69。






魏在江(2010),预设三论:表达论、接受论、互动论,《外语学刊》,6: 49-52。

魏在江(2011), 语用预设主观性的认知识解,《解放军外国语学院学报》,5:13-16。

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