A Comparative Study of Animal Images from the Perspective of Naturalism—Taking Wolf Totem and The Call of the Wild as Examples自然主义理论视角下的动物意象对比研究-以《狼图腾》与《野性的呼唤》为例文献综述

 2021-11-04 20:59:38


1. Introduction1.1 Research background Naturalism refers to the philosophical concept of explaining all phenomena with natural causes or natural laws. It is a tendency in literary and artistic creation. Naturalism aims to emphasize the mission of literature in a scientific manner. This is also a concrete way to achieve the sense of literary mission that has been emphasized by naturalism. Naturalism pursues objective facts, respects nature, and attempts to explain human beings and human society with biological laws. Throughout the historical development process, the emergence of naturalism is closely related to the development of science and technology. In today's highly developed science and technology, mankind has entered the era of new civilization, but ecological problems have emerged endlessly: global warming has caused sea levels to rise, frequent killing activities have caused species to become extinct, and white pollution and marine debris have caused ecosystem imbalances. Studying the application of naturalism in literary works has guiding significance for humans to view issues such as ecological balance, biological equality, respect and compliance with natural laws. The use of Darwin's biological evolution in literary creation is the most important feature of naturalist literature, which was used by Jack London in a brilliant way. Call of the Wild is a masterpiece guided by naturalistic theory.Naturalism, a literary trend of thought that sprouted in France in the mid-19th century, was first proposed by French writer Emile Zola, who established the basic principles of naturalism. It spread to Europe, America, and other countries in the late 19th century and early 20th century, and was introduced to the United States by Frank Norris. The rise of American naturalism in the late 19th century is a more important literary genre in the history of American literature. Jack London is an outstanding representative. In his novel The Call of Wild, these principles are compared with American realism. The author has created a main image-Buck, and from his experience we can see the law of clubs and the law of dogs representing the laws of nature. Hero Buck is actually a symbol of man. His life experience shows that a person's life depends entirely on the environment and inherent inheritance. The author starts with the definition of naturalism, and then analyzes how the environment and heredity describe characters through the laws of nature (that is, the "law of the jungle" and "survival of the fittest") to express the symbolic meaning of the environment and characters.China has always emphasized realism, but the foundation of realism is actually naturalism. China's attitude towards naturalism has always been critical, because China's realism is a judgment about whether awareness is sufficient or not, and it is discussing the understanding of reality. Naturalism is just the opposite. There is no value judgment involved, but it is very powerful. Zhong Acheng (2017) said that realism has always been like a balloon, erratic, there must be a strong wind, the mainstream comes, and as the mainstream floats, no line can tie this balloon, the balloon is writing. The buckle of the balloon is where is the next point? It is the description of naturalism. The description of naturalism is a reflection of human nature, and it dares to look straight. Dare to look at it is actually to look at yourself. When people walk on the bottom line of naturalism, they are actually looking at themselves.The Wolf Totem by Jiang Rung (2004) tells the story of an educated youth living in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia with wolves and nomads. After the book was published in China, it was translated into more than 30 languages and distributed in 110 countries and regions around the world. There are thousands of research papers and treatises on Wolf Totem published by newspapers and online media at home and abroad. Wang Shudong (2009) conveyed that Wolf Totem is a rare ecological novel in contemporary Chinese literature. It is a living ecological textbook of the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. It is also a true portrayal of the great destruction of grassland ecosystems since the founding of the People's Republic of China. His work is also an ingenious work that examines the national spirit and history from an ecological perspective. Chen Shigen (2017) considered that Jiang wrote a story of a simple wolf. If the center of the wolf is removed, there will be no story between people. The author's intention is very clear. The wolf image reflects the ecological spirit, and His strong ecological consciousness stimulates readers' ecological consciousness. The contradiction between human desire and ecology is also vividly reflected in the novel. When Bao Shungui saw that the hunting of horses caused so much damage, he just thought of eliminating the wolf, he did not consider the wolf in the entire grassland ecosystem, but he just wanted to transplant the farming people to settle and cultivate the lifestyle on the grassland. In the end, the herdsmen of the steppe finally managed to settle cattle and sheep and build houses as he wished, but the steppe was also fully sandy. Most scholars, from the perspective of ecology, expose the images of human greed and selfishness in their works, and criticize the phenomenon that humans destroy the ecological balance for the benefit of them. Few scholars have explored the original relationship between man and nature from the perspective of naturalism. From the perspective of naturalistic theory, this article explores the relationship between human and nature under the laws of biology evolution, and the "law of sticks" in the two works.1.2 Research purposeThe topic of harmonious coexistence between man and nature has remained unchanged since ancient times. In Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, "the Tao has one life, one life two, two life three, and three life." Here Tao means "yin and yang", which is nature. The concept of "heaven and man unite" is even more recognized by the emperors of all ages, and it has a cultural heritage of thousands of years. How should we deal with the unprecedented contradiction between human and nature? This article is based on the theory of naturalism, and the exploration of animal imagery is the starting point. The purpose is to study the human and ecological significance behind two literary works at home and abroad. Whether it is an ecological function perspective or a naturalistic theory, it is the form in which literary works reflect the relationship between man and nature. The creation of literary works is inspired by life, and there is no shortage of reflections on social phenomena. As far as I am concerned, comparing and analyzing two domestic and foreign literary works on the theme of animals, I can deeply understand the differences between domestic and foreign cultures, the differences in the description of animals and their images, and the differences in the greedy criticism of humans. For the differences of theme setting and sublimation techniques. Each country has its own beauty, the United States and the United States share the same world. Differences give us a sense of comparison, prompting us to think, reflect, and use the best of them to solve practical problems.1.3 Significance of the research The outbreak of new coronary pneumonia in 2020 began with the wanton slaughter and sale of wild species by humans. In addition to regulating by legal means, the only thing that can truly prevent such things from happening again is the high moral civilization of human beings. Just as Lu Xun abandoned medical practice, he also wanted to awaken the national consciousness from the ideological level and solve the problem fundamentally. The contradiction between man and nature is not irreconcilable. The key lies in methods and devices. As Dong Qing said, there is no winner after the gunshot. Respect the uniqueness of species, tolerate species diversity, be grateful for the gift of nature, and feel the beauty of the world. Protect nature, start with me. 2. Literature review Since The Call of the Wild is popularity by lots of people, there have seen many explanations which written by different scholars in the past dozens of years. Joseph Campbell once written in his book The Hero with A thousand Faces said that the general myth pattern is separation-sufferings-transformation. In Zhao Qians thesis Analysis of the Mythological Prototype of Buck as in The Call of the Wild, he remarked that Buck as the hero of The Call of the Wild, which lost his paradise at first, and finished his transformation until underwent much suffering. The experience of Buck is just accord with Campbells general myth pattern. Another thesis Philosophy in The Call of the Wild asserted that the story reflects four kinds of philosophical ideas: Darwins evolutionism, Spence's social theory of evolution, Nietzsches superman theory and Marxism. Liu Liang-jun and Chen Yan-li in their thesis said that the hero Buck transformed from civilization to barbarism in the process completed the regression of the beast. However, this is not the degenerate of a species; its an inevitable result and sublimation. There are also many scholars from the other perspectives to study The Call of the Wild, such as the multiple themes of the novel, the ecological criticism of the novel, London s prophylaxes of life and so on. From different aspects of studies on the Wolf Totem in the ages, it could be roughly categorized as several directions, such as the image of the Chinese, the transformation of concept, the conflict between the history and culture, the ecological element in the novel and so on. In the thesis Papa and Son: Addressing the Issue in Translating Assumed Kinship Terms in Wolf Totem, Wang Yingchong from the direction of translation to analyze the novel, he pointed out that terms of address reflect a nations customs, and assumed kinship terms in particular are rich with pragmatic implications and social significance. Another thesis Wolf Totem: Ecological Value Showed in the Conflict between History and Culture exactly illustrated the directions which this thesis has mentioned before. The author of the thesis said that it is not limited in the field of ecological criticism. From the description of the characters of grassland wolves and the conversion process of wolf totem, from holiness to common customs, the thesis reveals that spiritual belief and value have great influences in nature and ecology. When wolves appear as cultural and ecological hero, they express the ecological features in the conflict of history and culture as well as the reality of ecological variation in the grassland.In the thesis An Interpretation of Environmental ethics in Wolf Totem and The Call of the Wild, Zhang Jiasheng analyzed The Call of the Wild from the perspective of the environmental ethics, attracting a wide readership and critical attention. Besides, he said that the Chinese novel Wolf Totem not only is famous for its unique description of interaction between man and wolves on Inner Mongolian grassland, but also is a famous masterpiece of Eco-criticism. By a comparative study, he endeavored to seek the environmental ethics in the two novels, and found the moral ethics in the development of relationships among human-human, human-animal and human-nature. Apart from the environment ethics, ecological criticism and some other aspects in the two novels, naturalism becomes more and more familiar to the students in recent years and this thesis A Comparative Study on Naturalism in The Call of the Wild and Wolf Totem is just site on the theory of naturalism.
