Ecological Consciousness in White Fang 论《白牙》的生态意识文献综述

 2021-11-04 20:59:45


Ecological consciousness in white Fang论白牙中的生态意识1.Introduction1.1 The introduction of the author Jack London, whose life symbolized the power of will, was one of the most successful writers in America in the first years of 20th Century. His rise to fame was in a way meteoric. Jack London was from the bottom of society, but he worked his way up to the summit of the social hierarchy through painstaking study and sheer will power. As an illegitimate child, London spent his childhood in poverty in the Oakland slums. At the age of 17, he ventured to sea on a sealing ship, from then on, he became slums. Then he became a sailor. In the journey of sailing, he experienced many difficulties such as severe cold, thunderstorm, and suffering of the severest toil. In the sealing ship, London made a lot of friends from whom he knew some funny or scaring stories, which provided materials for his writing career. But the exhausting sealing life made London feel tired temporarily, so he returned to Oakland continued to study in high school, The year of 1897 saw the movement of gold rush in Canada, and London left college setting out to seek his fortune in Northland. London was always on the rough road of life and experienced the trial and sadness. He had so many experiences, and maybe the most prominent one was his travel in the north, which was thought to be a turning point in his life. Although he didn't get rich as he originally thought, what he brought back with were more precious than gold; all those experience furnished him with considerable amount of sources and materials for his career as a writer. He expressed his fondness on the snowy Northland and it was in the Klondike that he found himself and got his own feeling for nature and life. Drawing upon his adventures in the north, he created some significant works which consisted of short stories and novels set in the north. Stimulated by those experiences, Jack London wrote the call of the wild reaching the peak of his writing career. As a breath of fresh air, his portray of wilderness and frontier life in those novels gave people a new understanding of literature in comparison with nineteenth century Victorian fiction which was often excessively connected with trivial and irrelevant social norms. 1.2 The introduction of the novelAmong Jack Londons novels, the Call of the Wild and White Fang can be regarded as his representative works that establish his reputation as an outstanding writer. White Fang tells the story of a Wolf called white teeth. He was born in the wild world. All his childhood comply with the law of jungle. Later, his mother took him from the wilderness to her Indian master. The life in the human camp made her character morose and lonely. The sale to Smith added to its cynical character. Abused and monitored by Smith, he became a fierce wolf fighter who was rescued by his new owner, Wieden Scott. His loving kindness transformed white teeth from a ferocious beast into a loyal pet after a near-death experience. He saved the life of his new master's father from the bad guys, earned him the name "lucky wolf", and spent his old age in peace. 1.3 The historic background In the face of the increasingly serious ecological crisis, a concern about fate and future produced is known as ecological crisis consciousness. Human activities that violate the laws of nature often cause ecological crises. If people do not feel the existence of ecological crisis and continue to be optimism blindly, people will eventually die out. At the beginning of American civilization, the rapid development of industrial civilization destroyed the ecology.In White Fang, Jack London showed the scene to the readers that human had cruelty to animals and destruction of the natural environment, which fully expressing the author's ecological sense of distress and resentment against human cruelty, abuse and killing animals. There is a strong sense of concern and compassion between the writing lines. The dog-fighting plot in White Fang fully illustrates the alienation of human nature and the decline of human morality. At the same time, this is also the author's sense of anxiety in the face of the distortion of human nature. Dog-fighting participants use animal slaughter as entertainment activity, which is the ultimate distortion of human nature.Literature ReviewSo far, a flood of criticism of his works has come out and proliferated. Critics study Jack Londons works from many different perspectives. Some analyze the socialist quality of his works and consider him to be the founder of American proletariat literature, while some scholars shift their attention from the general discussion on the political tendency to the aesthetic values in his works, penetrating into the themes, language features, writing techniques and aesthetic thoughts in those works. With the emergence of some new critical approaches in the 20th century, some critics use psychoanalysis criticism, myth and archetypal criticism, feminism to interpret his works. Some critics also notice that in some works of Jack London, there are discrepancies of thoughts that are sometimes confusing and contradictory, so they explain the reasons for the discrepancy. However, the majority of the critics are keen on the naturalistic tendency in Londons fictions, holding that Jack Londons works often stress sociological and biological determinism,his belief in the materialistic nature of human being and his reliance on the law of ―survival of the fittest‖ .In china, a few scholars have investigated the ecological view of his works; however, they havent interpreted White Fang from the perspective of ecocriticism thoroughly, and researches on the deeper ecological consciousness of the animal novel are relatively few. Thus, it deserves a more systematical and deeper analysis of them from the perspective of ecocriticism. This thesis attempts to analyze the novel from the ecological perspective to reveal the traces of the ecological consciousness, which should be awakened and realized by all human beings. It has not only a theoretical meaning but also a practical significance to explore their ecological themes comprehensively nowadays when the ecological crisis is becoming more and more serious. ConclusionCritics never cease to comment on Jack London and his works, and there are always controversial opinions. In some scholars eyes, London is an ordinary writer, a commercial writer without deep thought by pointing out that the goal of his writing is just for profit, while others acclaim that his works has exposed the social contradictions, so he can be regarded as a most important Naturalism and Realism writer. In fact, the positive and negative comments are always intermingled, so are London's works. Its really difficult for us to judge this outstanding writers works with certain principle or criteria. Long tested by over one hundred years, Londons masterpieces have been popular with readers from generation to generation, shining brilliantly in literary circle.As contemporary readers, we analyze the theme reflected by the relationship between human and nature from the perspective of ecocriticism to make people reach a consensus. If people want to alleviate the ecology crisis, we must change our mind and culture. We need to know what caused the ecology crisis is not industry or technology, but our thoughts and culture. The human race should establish harmonious relations with nature which cannot be only confined to mutually beneficial. Only relations based on mutual love and respect can be constructive and sustainable and can fundamentally eliminate the ecological crisis.Works CitedBasturkmen, H. R., Loewen, S., An/Other woman in Virginia Woolf and chrisia wolf. Retrieved December 8, 2019, from Yale University, Institute for LiteratureWebsite: // publications/papers.htmlRoderick, Nash. (2007). Wildness and the American Mind. New Haven: Yale University Press.Tayor, P. (2012). Respect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 邓黎娟、王明(2009),融合现实主义解读自然主义。






薛敬梅(2008),生态文学与文化,《江西师范学院学报》,27, 82-86。

朱刚(2001),二十世纪西方文艺批评理论. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.Outline1. Introduction1.1 Introduction of the author 1.2 Introduction of the novel1.2.1 Main character of this novel1.2.2 Main point of this novel1.2.3 Theme of this novel 1.3 The historical background 2. Literature review3. Ecological consciousness3.1 Definition of ecological consciousness 3.2 Ecological consciousness reflected in this novel3.3 Concrete analysis from the perspective of ecocriticism3.3.1 Definition of ecocriticism3.3.2 Development of ecocriticism3.3.3 Ecocriticism reflected in this novel4. Conclusion

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