Study on Translation of Tourist Texts on Confucius Temple and Qinhuai River from the Cross-Cultural Perspective 跨文化视角下夫子庙与秦淮河旅游文本翻译研究文献综述

 2021-11-04 20:59:53


China is a country with a long history and Chinese culture has thousands of years of cultural and historical heritage.After several thousand years of development, each city has its own unique cultural accumulation and cultural customs. As an important material space carrier of Nanjing traditional culture, Confucius Temple and Qinhuai River have been developed into important tourist attractions to promote the image of the city. With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, English translation studies related to tourist attractions have increasingly become the focus of translation researchers. Since the 1970s, China's tourism industry has begun to form and flourish, and the translation of scenic spots is related to the international development of China's tourism industry. Although some experts have made in-depth studies on scenic spot translation, they also pointed out some problems and countermeasures. However, there are still some mistakes in the translation of some scenic spots. Language is not only a tool of communication, but also the carrier of a national culture. In order to adapt to the economic globalization, various industries have begun to attach importance to English translation in order to obtain the latest information on the development of the industry abroad (Ma, 2019). This requires translators to have a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the cultural differences between the two languages. The culture of a country is carried in language, which not only reflects culture but is also subject to culture (Pang, Yang, 2019). The close relationship between language and culture determines the relationship between translation and culture. From a cross-cultural perspective, the analysis of English translation skills can effectively promote the development of translation work. This paper first briefly expounds the cross-cultural perspective, and then makes a translation analysis, from the cross-cultural perspective, on the examples of Confucius Temple and Qinhuai River.1.Literature review1.1Definitions of the cross cultureCross-culture refers to the culture that crosses the boundaries of different countries and different nationalities in the process of globalization, the interaction between two or more groups with different cultural backgrounds, and a social phenomenon caused by the increase of social mobility and ethnic mixing. The essence of this phenomenon is to change the tradition and the existing culture, and to create a new culture. This is a structure of globalization, and the first thing we need to do is to break through some restrictions within the nation and within the country (Hermans,Theo, 2004). Many cultures in the world collide with each other, and at the same time, such differences also lead to the production of cross-culture. There are great differences between our own culture and some other cultures in different aspects (Hermans,Theo, 2007). Taking self-emotion as the starting point in translation will run counter to the subjective thinking of the original text (Hermans,Theo, 2007). Scholars have done some research on the influence of Chinese and Western cultural differences on translation, the perspective of translation and the principles of translation.1.2Aspects of cross culture in translation1.2.1 different customs and living habitsThere are great differences between different regions and these differences can not only be reflected in the climate and geological or other external natural conditions, at the same time, there will be many differences in customs and ethnic characteristics in different regions. These environmental factors make great differences in people's way of thinking and language habits. Language is inseparable from the environment in which people live (Ma, 2020). For example, most of China's territory is inland, so the corresponding habits of life can also be reflected in the language (Cheng, 2002).1.2.2Different ways of thinking between Chinese and Western peopleThere are also great differences in the way of thinking between people, because there are great differences in the living environments (Feng, 2002). Westerners' way of thinking is relatively intuitive, and at the same time, it is more open in language expression. On the other hand, the people of our country are relatively partial to rational thinking and image thinking, and they will be more implicit and obscure in language expression (Zhang, 2020). The direct reason for the difference caused by the way of thinking is relatively diversified, and the association ability of the Chinese people is relatively vivid (Gong, 2020). For example, when we choose the name of a dish, it is relatively abstract. In western countries, the name of the dish is more intuitive.1.2.3Different cultural backgroundsThe difference between Chinese and Western cultural backgrounds is due to the gradual evolution of a very long history of development (Gutt,Ernst-August, 2004). It's because different countries form different cultures, different beliefs and ruling classes, and let cultures have their own unique nature. Under different cultural backgrounds, languages will also be very different, and there are many different forms of extended meanings in the process of language translation. When translating, translators need to improve their in-depth understanding of cultural connotations (Lefevere,Andre, 2004). Only in this way can more real translation skills and the transformation of cross-cultural communication perspective be formed. In particular, in the process of translation of scenic spots, it is necessary to fully understand the information to be translated, some cultural background and cultural connotations, and to change the perspective of English translation according to a more real cultural context. So that Chinese and Western cultures can be more closely linked when spreading (Wang, 2019).1.3 Introduction of Confucius Temple and Qinhuai RiverNanjing Confucius Temple is located in Gongyuan Street on the north bank of Qinhuai River in Qinhuai District, Nanjing, west of Jiangnan Gongyuan. It is located in the core area of Qinhuai scenery belt of Confucius Temple, namely Nanjing Confucian Temple, Nanjing Cultural Temple, and Wenxuan Wang Temple. It is the first place to worship Confucius. The country's highest academic institution, one of China's four major literary temples, the ancient Chinese cultural hub (Chen, 2019). And the historical and cultural gathering place of Jinling, is not only the cultural and educational center of Nanjing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also the cultural and educational building group that ranked first in the Southeast Provinces. The Qinhuai river is a river that runs through central Nanjing.It's also the birthplace of the age-old Nanjing culture. As such. it's called "Nanjing's mother river". It's the life blood of the city. The Qinhuai River is divided into inner and outer rivers. Today the scenic belt along the Qinhuai River develops with the Confucius Temple at the center and the river serving as a bond. The belt featuring attractions like Zhanyuan Garden,the Confucius Temple,Egret Islet and more. The Qinhuai River, a branch of the mighty Yangtze River, has nursed the rich civilization of the region. The inner river of the river once was the red-light district famous throughout the nation in the Qing and Ming dynasties. 1.4 Research Gap With more and more Chinese and foreign scholars participating in the construction and application of the cross-cultural perspective, the theoretical framework and research methods of the theory have been further improved, and the scope of application has been continuously expanded (Shan, 1989). However, most domestic scholars are studying the relationship between languages. At a time when Chinese culture is highly respected in China, it is of practical significance to spread the charm of Chinese culture through the translation of scenic spots. We should convey the national connotation contained in the scenic spots and carry forward this beauty. These artistic treasures should not only be appreciated by the Chinese people to absorb ancient wisdom, they should also let the world appreciate their elegant demeanor, so as to feel Chinese culture and artistic amorous feelings.ReferencesGutt,Ernst-August.(2004).TranslationandRelevance.Shanghai:ShanghaiForeignLanguageEducationPress.Hermans,Theo(ed.)(2007).CrossculturalTransgressions:ResearchModelsinTranslationStudiesⅡ,HistoricalandIdeologicalIssues[C].Beijing:ForeignLanguageTeachingandResearchPress.Hermans,Theo(ed.).(2004).CrossculturalTransgressions:ResearchModelsinTranslationStudiesⅡ,HistoricalandIdeologicalIssues[C].Beijing:ForeignLanguageTeachingandResearchPress.Hermans,Theo(ed.).(2007).CrossculturalTransgressions:ResearchModelsinTranslationStudiesⅡ,HistoricalandIdeologicalIssues[C].Beijing:ForeignLanguageTeachingandResearchPress.Lefevere,Andre.(2004).Translation,RewringandtheManipulationofLiteraryFame.Shanghai:ShanghaiForeignLanguageEducationPress.陈芸(2019),基于数据挖掘的城市开放型景区网络搜索特征及品牌发展研究以南京夫子庙为例,《泰山学院学报》,7:50。







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