Cross-cultural Communication in Out of Africa 论《走出非洲》中的跨文化交际文献综述

 2021-12-28 21:43:32



1. Introduction1.1Background of the research Cross-cultural communication can be simply defined as the communication between people from different cultures. During the process of economic globalization and information age, cross-cultural communication is playing an increasingly important role in our life. At the same time, cross-cultural communication, as a new subject, has attracted more and more attention in the field of linguistics and language teaching. When people from different cultural backgrounds come together, communication barriers or unnecessary misunderstandings will inevitably occur due to cultural differences. These misunderstandings will often affect the relationship among people in different cultural backgrounds, and even cause conflicts sometimes. Therefore the study of cross-cultural communication has become an important issue in today's era. Scholars have carried out research on all aspects of cross-cultural communication and achieved a lot of results. Out of Africa is a long autobiographical novel by Danish writer Isak Dinesen, who was born into an aristocratic family in 1885, published in 1937. As an autobiographical novel, the author not only retells her experiences in foreign countries, but also reveals the differences and recognition between different cultures from the perspective of cross-cultural communication. Dinesen's words expressed her feelings for the local people and her philanthropic spirit towards humanity. Each chapter of the book reveals the author's familiarity and attachment to the African landscape and people. The air, the water, the sunlight of the primordial land, seemed within reach. Detailed observations and descriptions keep the characters and scenes alive on paper. Through her works, we can learn about the differences between European and African cultures and how to conduct cross-cultural communication under such differences, so as to have a deeper understanding of cross-cultural communication.In the novel, the author enters the beautiful African country of Kenya. Taking the experience of running a coffee farm in Africa as a typical example, the author depicts the real people around him from 1914 to 1931 with exquisite brushwork, expressing her love, sympathy and attachment to the African people and the respect and love of the African indigenous people for the protagonist. Because of Dinesen's respect for African culture, she can get along with the local people and make successful cross-cultural communication. However, there are still some failures in communication which are worth pondering on. It is believed that the life experience of Dinesen in Africa providing some enlightenment to our cross-cultural communication nowadays.1.2Purposes of the study The main purpose of this study is to provide reference for current cultural exchange. With the globalization of the world economy and wide use of the internet which is tearing down national boundaries, cross-cultural communication has become part of our daily life. As a result, understanding other culture is indispensable. Also, the intercultural knowledge and skills that lead to intercultural communication competence become essential in our society. The importance of studying intercultural communication competence cannot be overstated. According to the analysis of cross-cultural communication in out of Africa, we can better understand the significance of cross-cultural communication. First, this study can provide specific examples of cross-cultural communication which can help us to understand some important concepts more vividly and directly. Second, from the description of some misunderstandings in different cultural communication, we can clearly realize it is inevitable to result in misunderstandings in communication between different culture. Therefore, this study will provide some feasible suggestions for avoiding such misunderstandings. Finally, from the introduction of effective communication after cultural understanding, we will realize we need to learn and respect other countries' cultures which can help us to achieve the successful communication among different cultures.1.3 Organization of the researchThis thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces some basic information, including the research background and previous study in Out of Africa, together with the need of the study. Chapter 2 introduces the definition and some developments of cross-cultural communication. Chapters 3 and 4, the body part of the thesis, explain in detail the communication styles under different cultures which includes some misunderstandings in different cultural communication and effective communication after cultural understanding. The last chapter summarizes the study as well as points out some theoretical and practical significance of the study.2. Literature ReviewOut of Africa has become the focus of research at home and abroad since its publication. The film adaptation of the novel out of Africa also won seven Oscars, showing its literary value and extraordinary artistic appeal. Sirkka (1974) holds that Out of Africa records Dinesens years in Kenya (1914-1932) as a shamanic initiation into her authorship; an interpretation supported by certain archetypal motifs and symbols, which keep recurring throughout the book. In 1964 Langbaum points out that "behind the words of Out of Africa stood the Continent of Europe". In 1985, Judith Lee uses modern deconstruction to analyze the differences between text writers and story protagonists, also from the perspective of different cultures. Fu Manman (2013) holds that Dinesen uses the artist's imagination, delicate brushwork and implicit metaphorical expression to construct a place where people of different nationalities and races interact and communicate with each other. Lu Xiao (2013) points out that white settlers escape the European hypocrisy to come to Africa to pursue an ideal identity. However, the Eurocentric ideas they have born with confines them to reach deep into the African culture and people. Although the above studies have found the fact the diversity of different culture, it is still insufficient to explore the value of cross-cultural communication. Generally speaking, most scholarly debates center on the analysis of the cultural differences, colonialism and nature, etc. This section will review the previous studies in three aspects: cross-cultural communication from the perspective of colonialism; cultural differences between Africa and Europe; cultural recognition in language communication.2.1 Cross-cultural communication from the perspective of colonialismAt the beginning, Dinesen entered Africa as a colonist. Gradually, she wanted to integrate into the life of the local people and made a series of attempts. Dinesen's more than a decade of living in Africa has given her a clearer sense of self. Unlike other colonizers, making money and expanding her possessions were not her only goals. What mattered to her was her way of life and her feelings in Africa. Brenda Cooper David Descutnery. (1997) points out that Dinesen further induces identification with the Kenyans by contrasting their enlightened, tolerant attitudes to the prejudicial narrowness of the European settlers. Lu Xiao(2013)points out that Isak Dinesen is a writer who shows humanistic care about the African Natives life and sincere interest in their culture. Zhou Miaoni (2014) holds that in Out of Africa, the author describes people and animals in a delicate way which affects her strong feelings about the land and people of Africa. Isak Dinesen has lived on a Kenyan farm for 17 years.Despite as a colonist, or imperialist, she has a strong feeling for Africa in her thoughts and actions. Wan Xuemei holds the view that Isak Dinesen is an anti-colonialist. In her lifetime in Kenya, she has coexisted with the African Natives and helped to improve their situation, which demonstrated her sincere love and understanding for African people and their culture. Ma Aiyuan(2019) make specific claims that although the author as a member of western civilization, their deep love for Africa, understanding and respect of other civilizations, and dissatisfaction with their own civilization to some extent reflect their more progressive side than other colonists. Generally speaking, most scholars agree that although Dinesen went to Africa in the role of colonialism, her love for the African land and people made her want to integrate into the local culture. At the same time, we can better understand the value of cross-cultural communication in the process of interaction between the author and the local people. 2.2 Cultural differences between Africa and EuropeCultural differences depend on the living habits of people in different regions and language is an important carrier of national culture. Out of Africa by Issac Dinesen is an exotic, autobiographical novel about Africa and its people. 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