The Influence of Native Language on Chinese Students’ English Writing Development文献综述

 2022-08-15 09:56:21

Literature Review

1.1 Language transfer

1.1.1 The concept of language transfer

Though the phenomenon of language transfer has been one of important topics in Second Language Acquisition,its definition is still not unified. From different aspects, researchers define it in various ways. Weinreich refers that “transfer is evidenced as those instances of deviation from the norms of either language which occur in the speech of bilinguals as a result of their familiarity with more than one language” (Weinreich, 1953). From his view, it belongs to linguistic behavior. While some researchers, such as Faerch and Kasper, consider that transfer is the process of learning. They suggest that transfer is “the process by which L2 learnersrsquo; active L1 knowledge in developing or using their inter-language (linguistic system between L1 and L2, to be defined later), and point out that the process may either support or detract from learning” (Faerchamp;Kasper, 1987). According to Odlin, whose working definition is acknowledged by most of scholars, suggests that transfer is the “influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously (and perhaps imperfectly) acquired (Odlin, 1989).

1.1.2 Basic views on Language transfer

Firstly, a large number of researches and theories prove that native language influences the acquisition of second language. Behaviorism generally considers that native language link with second language learning closely (Lado, 1957; Stockwell, Bowenamp;Martin, 1965). Influenced by structuralism and behaviorism, they think the process of second language acquisition is a process of build a new language system. And learners will meet difficulties which caused by the differences between native language and target language. They recognized the influences caused by native language during the second language acquisitionrsquo;s process but they exaggerated a little. Sociocultural school is apt to regard L1 as a tool which used for communication. Cognitive schools also pay attention to native languagersquo;s influences on second language acquisition. Dulayamp;Burt put forward “Minimalist Position” based on his experiment. (Dulayamp;Burt, 1974) VanPattenrsquo;s Input Processing Theory attempts to prove that L1rsquo;s influence is limited from the perspective of input process.

Secondly, from the aspects of research level, the related studies have developed from the language level to the cultural level. The studies of language level mainly involve phonological transfer, lexical transfer, syntactic transfer, pragmaliguistic transfer and so on. During the 1990s, the study of conceptual transfer became popular. Jarvisamp;Pavlenko regard this concept as one of breakthroughs in the field of language transfer. (Jarvisamp;Pavlenko, 2008) And he points that the conceptual transfer focus on exploring the influence of some non-linguistic factors on SLA learners. (Jarvis,2000:3) Wang Chumingrsquo;s Contextual Compensation Hypothesis connects conceptual transfer with linguistic relativism.

Thirdly, there are two different types of transfer: positive transfer and negative transfer. The positive transfer means that learner acquire the knowledge of second language with the help of their native language. The negative transfer refers to the adverse factors during the learning process which caused by the influence of native language. However, some linguists hold opposite opinions. In Smith and Kellermanrsquo;s views, language transfer is not only interfere SLA learners but also have some positive effects during the learning process of learners. Lado publishes his Linguistic Across Cultures in 1957, and he mentions that learners will easier to accept those elements which are linked with the native language but learners usually feel difficult to learn things which are different from their native language. (Lado, 1957) Wardhaughrsquo;s strong version states that the differences between native language and target language are the main factor which causes difficulties and errors (WenQiufang, 2010).

1.1.3 Details of positive transfer

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