A Study on Zhejiang High School Students’ English Reading Motivation文献综述

 2022-08-15 10:34:07


Since the language acquisition is not only about a subject but also extended to the culture, the motivation plays a key role in the process and regarded as one of the most important factors, motivation has been under discussion for a long time. The function of motivation is similar to the navigator of a car. Students lacking of motivation are less likely to “maintain their learning once experiencing hardship in the process.” (Douml;rnyei, 2001; Gardner, 2007; Palmer, 2009). There may need brief review the tremendous studies about motivation.

    1. the definition of the motivation

The concept “motivation” can be defined as (a) goals to pursue and (b) the effort you will devote to that pursuit (H. Douglas Brown, 2013) and this definition can be interpreted different by “which theory of the human behavior you adopt” (H. Douglas Brown, 2013).

1.1.1 The motivation theories before the Psychoanalytic theory

Although there are studies concerned with individualrsquo;s motivation, these theories are crude and less than scientific. In fact, many of them are partial or totally belong to the philosophy or religion. It can be describe as a phase of chaos of psychology. There are theories, but far from systematic and accurate. The psychology is still under the great shadow of philosophy and religion, as the result, these theories are more like individualrsquo;s views. The introspective psychology, as a typical example, stresses the introspective method to understand onersquo;s mind, at the main time, trying to explore and establish onersquo;s own philosophical viewpoint. The theory is clearly too subjective since almost every individual hold his personal perspective during the introspection. The introspection is meaningful for psychological development, but using onersquo;s personal view is not able to define the psychology as a whole subject. Another flaw of the theory is it is not able to handle the serious mental imbalance and illness. As a result, the motivation theory in this phase is less than coherent and immature.

1.1.2 The definition of Psychoanalytic theory

The systematic psychology begins no later than the rise of Psychoanalytic theory. Sigmund Freud is the establisher of theory. His theory is a complex system. Firstly, human mind is divided as 2 parts, one is the consciousness and the other is the unconsciousness. Opposite to the consciousness, unconsciousness refers to the part that can not be notice by the person. The unconsciousness is the occupies the major part of onersquo;s mind and is decisive factor to onersquo;s decision. In other words, it becomes crucial to fully understand individualrsquo;s subconscious before determine his motivation.

In the other hand, more directly to motivation, the Psychoanalytic theory believe personality includes three different elements, the id, the ego and the superego. The id is closely related to the internal and basic drives and needs and works according to the pleasure principle. This perspective of personality seeks for pleasure and tries to avoid dissatisfaction. The superego, on the contrast, is follows morality principle. As a result, it drives to individual to behave as the society requires. The ego works as a balance between the id and superego, thus, it works as the realistic way, rationalizes the absurd request raised by the other two perspectives and seeks for what benefits the subject in the long term.

Further, Sigmund Freud believe what ultimately motive is the basic sexual desire called “Libido”. Driven by Libido, directly or indirectly, the motive creates tension to gain satisfaction from control and mastery.

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