Needs Analysis of junior middle school English learners文献综述

 2022-08-29 10:43:31

Literature Review of Needs Analysis of Junior Middle School English Learners

In order to have a more complete picture about the issues I am to examine, I decide first to do a state-of-the-art type of study. I will review the development of English for General Purposes (EGP) abroad and domestically; the definition and classification of needs; the definition, process, and models of needs analysis.

1. English for General Purposes (EGP)

1.1 The Definition of EGP

English for General Purposes(EGP) along with English for Specific Purposes (ESP) belong to the English Language Teaching (ELT). During the former EGP period, English teachers help students to learn general language knowledge as well as to train language skills so that students can lay a solid language foundation for their future specific English study, which is regarded as the ESP. Junior middle school students are still in the period of EGP.

In Jordanrsquo;s work, English for Academic Purposes, he also stated that language skills which could bring people anywhere to help them do with new problems or new situation was a kind of ability. For Jordan, the four language skills are abilities. Moreover, the four language skills are media of systematic and deep profession language learning. Any studentsrsquo; language skills or abilities must reach a standard which is required, otherwise, their future professional language learning will be affected.

1.2 The Development of EGP

Firstly, EGP abroad highly valued and emphasized the four basic language skills: listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, writing skill as independent ones. And early English teachers only payed attention to train studentsrsquo; sub-skills. With the development of language teaching and learning, English teachers seemed to pay attention to train studentsrsquo; sub-skills as well as comprehensive skills. That is to say, English teachers started to regard language learning as a whole, which was the direction in the field of language teaching and learning.

In China, English teaching and learning, as non-mother tongue learning, is just one hundred years. And the purposes of English learning are changed from developing studentsrsquo; reading ability into speaking ability. To be more exact, to develop studentsrsquo; communicative competence is the goal of junior middle school studentsrsquo; English teaching. Consequently, Communicative Approach, which values and emphasizes the language in real life use, is payed key attention by English teachers and students.

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