The Influence of Female Characters on David Cooperfields Growth文献综述

 2022-08-29 11:03:43


The Influence of Female characters on David Copperfieldrsquo;s Growth

摘要:狄更斯作为英国19世纪 伟大的批判现实主义作家,一直是国内外文学研究的热门。中国对狄更斯的研究主要从建国开始,逐渐发展深入。而国外研究相对来说更早更成熟全面。对于狄更斯的研究主要集中于其长篇小说,且主要是对其创作主题、思想观念、艺术手法和对比研究这些方面。随着狄更斯研究的不断深入,其作品中的女性角色越来越得到关注。有从女性主义批评角度,通过女性角色分析狄更斯的男权意识以及维多利亚时期的女性观和婚恋观。有把女性角色按伦理道德,个性特征分类分析。也有集中分析某一作品中的某一人物的命运等。但是对于女性角色对主角的影响以及在小说中的作用的研究还较少, 还过于宽泛和局限。

关键词:狄更斯研究; 女性观;女性角色;女性主义


Charles Dickens, as one of celebrated English critical realist writer of 19th century, is all the time the hot topic of literary research at home and abroad. In China, Dickens Studies started from the foundation of the nation and then gradually developed deeper, while the study of Dickens at abroad is comparatively more comprehensible. Scholars of Dickens Studies mainly do the research on his full-length novels. which mainly focus on theme, views, artistic techniques and comparison research. With the development of Dickens studies, female characters in his novels have attracted more attention. Some scholars analyze the dominant male culture and views on female and marriage in Victorian era from critical feminism perspective. Some classify female characters into different groups according to their personalities and moralities in order to better understand Dickensrsquo; view on female. Besides, some essays comprehensibly analyze one specific character in his novel. However, there are still few research on the influence of female characters on main character and their function in the whole novel. The study on female characters is still macro and narrow.

Key words: Dickens studies; view on female; female characters; feminism


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