An Analysis of Marrys Tragic Life in The Grass is Singing文献综述

 2022-08-29 11:04:42

The Victim and Conspirator of Patriarchy

——An Analysis of Mary in The Grass Is Singing

Abstract:The Grass is Singing is Doris Lessingrsquo;s first novel. It is a story about the murder of the poor white woman Mary by her black houseboy Moses against the backdrop of South Africa. It is a portrait of the womanrsquo;s marriage to the luckless farmer Dick, a union doomed to failure even before they meet. And the country in which they live - South Africa - also catalyzes their tragedy. Domestic and overseas scholars have made amounts of researches on this novel. Most of them mainly focus on image and symbolism, ecological feminism, post-colonialism, psychoanalysis, and patriarchy in the novel. And the review will focus on the domestic and oversea works about patriarchy. Their criticism about patriarchy usually describes Mary as a victim and attributes patriarchy to Maryrsquo;s tragedy.

Key words: The Grass is Singing, Mary, patriarchy, victim, conspirator.




1. Background Information of The Grass is Singing

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