different identities in invisible man文献综述

 2022-08-29 11:04:55

Reasons of being invisible

——an analysis of different identities in Invisible Man

Abstract: Domestic and foreign scholars have interpreted invisible man from different perspectives, mostly concentrating on the identity, symbolism or the initiation of the protagonist. In the studies about identity, various identities appeared in the novel are revealed and their reasons of being invisible are exposed. In the studies on theme of initiation, scholars explain the reasons why the protagonist is invisible through his own experiences and growth. However, being invisible is not an individual problem that exists in the protagonist only, but a rather common issue that the entire African-Americans have. Thus, it is not enough to focus on the protagonist only to find the reason of being invisible. Most scholars have already pointed out the major cause of their invisibility: their failure to find their real identity. Nevertheless, the major cause can be further divided into two types: one is confused African-Americans who are lost in finding real identity and the other is sober African-Americans who refuse to find real identity though they are clearer about what is their real identity.

Key words: identity invisible reason initiation

Literature review:

I. Study about identities in the novel

In the book History of African American Literature: 1619-2010, the author Pang Haonong classified African-Americans appeared in the novel into three types: post slavery type, masked type as well as radical type. Post slavery type sticks to the identity as slaves and regard white Americans as God who can decide their destinies. This type can be represented by the early protagonist and Brockway. Masked type seems to stay faithful to white Americans but in fact remain hatred to them. Men in this type depend on white Americans to make fortune for themselves and abandon the identity as half Africans. This type can be represented by the grandfather and Dr. Bledsoe. Men in radical type approach an extreme way to fight for their equal rights: violence. They basically deny anything about America and propagate to turn back to African life. This type can be represented by Ras.

This book gives an ample analysis on the different identities mentioned in the novel. However, the post slavery type can be enriched. Despite Brockway who stick to his slavery identity, men in Golden Day are also an example of this type. Different from Brockway who are brainwashed by the American value that African-Americans are inferior to them and are their slaves, men in Golden Day are brainwashed by some of their ancestorsrsquo; value or are defeated by the reality and are convinced that African cannot defeat white Americans, so they indulge themselves in alcohols to numb themselves. Masked type can also be enriched: African-Americans in brotherhood can also be included in masked type though they never pretend to be faithful to white Americans because they are masked to their compatriots. They seem to fight for equality but in fact their real aim is to make fortunes and fame for themselves.

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